CAKUT teaching course

16-18 may 2024

Location: Magna Hall of the "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, ROMANIA

Exclusively onsite!

FREE registration below

Organisers and partners

Programme and lecturers


Dr. Ramona Stroescu

International Lecturer

Prof. Michael Riccabona

Romanian Lecturers

Dr. Otilia Fufezan

Dr. Mihai Gafencu

Dr. Bogdan Olteanu

Dr. Vlad David Popescu

Dr. Muresan

Dr. Asavoaiei

Romanian lecturers

Dr. Mihai Gafencu

Dr. Adrian Lungu

Dr. Magdalena Starcea

Dr. Andreea Rachisan

Dr. Carmen Duciuc

Programme 28.10 - 29.10

16th of May

08:30 - 09:00 Registration

09:00-09.30 Opening - Prof Mihai Gafencu, Ramona Stroescu, Vlad David, Popescu, Prof Riccabona

09:30 –10:00 Antenatal diagnostic of CAKUT (Dr. Muresan?)

10:00 –10:30 Urinary tract dilatation classifications (Riccabona)

10:30 –11:00 Congenital lower urinary tract pathology (Fufezan)

11.00-11.30 Coffee break  

11:30-12:00 Basic theoretical consideration concerning contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (Riccabona)

12:00–13:00 CAKUT – the nephrological point of view

13.00-14.00 CAKUT – Surgical Aspects

14.00-15.30 Lunch

15.30-18:30 Workshop  “contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography”:  hands-on in groups; Sonovue + clinical cases (Riccabona / Fufezan / Asavoia et al. …)

17TH OF May

09:00–09:30 CAKUT - genetics

09.30-10:00 Upper tract / renal aspects in CAKUT: what is the role of radiology in dilated systems, and which method to use when? (Popescu)

10:00-10:30 Duplex & ectopic kidneys, cystic renal disease and dysplasia – meaningful use of radiology (Asavoiae)

10:30–11:00 CAKUT and UTI – what can radiology offer, when to do which kind of imaging? (Riccabona)

11.00-11.20 Coffee break

11:20 – 13:00 Surgery aspects

13.00-14.30 LUNCH

14.30-16.00 Pediatric nephrology

16:00-16:15 Question & answer and feedback & discussion session

16:15–16:30 Coffee break

16.30-18.30 Workshops surgery (urinary catheterization, cystoscopy…)

18TH of May

09:00-09.30 Opening – Otilia Fufezan, Ramona Stroescu, Michael Riccabona, Bogdan Olteanu

09:30 –10:00 Antenatal imaging in CAKUT:  Fetal US, and/or fetal MRI?  Methods and findings. …….?

10:00 –10:30 US for UGT-variations in CAKUT- such as ectopic or  duplex kidneys, agenesis, suspected agenesis – typical findings and when does one need to proceed to VCUG / ce-VUS or MRI / scintigraphy? (Fufezan)

10:30 –11:10 US-imaging in congenital urinary tract dilatation (Riccabona)

11.10-11.30 Coffee break 

11:30 –12:00 Imaging in PUV and other lower tract pathology (Asavoaie)        

12:00–12:30 Cystic kidney disease: entities, findings, and what radiology can offer (Riccabona)

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14:30 Additional imaging in urinary tract dilatation: IVU, MRIU, scintigraphy, VCUG – findings and indications and pitfalls / restrictions (Popescu)

14:30–15:00 Congenital genital malformations, as often associated with CAKUT – US (and other) findings (Fufezan / Asavoaie / Riccabona – who will take it?)

15:00 – 15:20 Pitfalls and restrictions when imaging the pediatric UGT in CAKUT queries (Riccabona)

15:20 – 15:40 Coffee break

15:40 – 16:00 “Imaging in rarer, but still important congenital urogenital tract conditions” (Riccabona). 

16:00 – 17:30 Case presentations:  ce-VUS, US in CAKUT, MRI for CAKUT …. (Riccabona / Fufezan / Asavoaie / Olteanu et al. …)

Educational needs, expected outcomes

Nephrologists need better ways, beyond histopathology, to phenotype patients with glomerular disease and  stratify the risk for progression to ESRD. Training programs to develop a core group of pediatric kidney specialists are needed. Creating registries of patients with glomerular disease, building a national network and joining international networks can aid in the ability to determine realistic estimates of disease prevalence and to improve therapy.

Course objectives

Provide an update on Glomerular Disease 

Assess the classical and modern diagnostic methods

Discuss different approaches to glomerular diseases

Official language

The official language of the course will be English

target audience

Pediatric Nephrologists, Nephrologists, Pediatricians, Medical , General Practitioners from Romania and Central and Southeastern Europe.

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